OUR campaigns

Campaigns | “SEEd”

The campaigns run by TMF revolve around four areas abbreviated as "SEED;" Survival & health, Education, Environment and Development & Empowerment. TMF strongly promotes growth and with its efforts in these areas, we hope to plant many a seeds ultimately leading to independent self-growth, development and prosperity.

Survival & Health

Food, shelter and health are essential parts of basic community survival but many go without proper meals, shelter and necessary medical care often threatening their survival. We take donations and use them to fight hunger, save lives and support individuals to keep, repair, or find homes, enabling hundreds of families to meet basic survival needs. No matter how little you are able to contribute, be part of this selfless drive.


Education for all. TMF believes every person has a right to education, regardless of their social or financial background. Some, though able to access public schools find themselves unable to pay basic costs to stay in school like transport, uniform, stationery, etc. We take donations to enable people to get an education and give them the chance to reach their potential to rely on themselves independently.


TMF strongly supports preserving the environment. We support campaigns globally for this including, promoting recycling programs, use of environment friendly products, clean-up days and basic awareness to save our planet.


Development & Empowerment

TMF believes self development and empowering women particularly are as important as basic education. We strive to run campaigns to achieve this, like facilitating training programs for women, vocational training and self-development work shops for all throughout their lives.


community connections

Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to help the people providing services with the people who need them generally in any situation we can.